The final BIM4Ed multiplier event in Canterbury

Transversal BIM Final Multiplier

The final multiplier event for our Erasmus+ funded Transversal BIM in Higher Education project took place at the Clagett Auditorium in the precincts of Canterbury Cathedral of July 12, 2023.

Partners who were able to make it to the event included WSEI (The University of Economics and Innovation) from Lublin, Poland, and Innosouth from Spain. All other partners (EKA from Hungary, Global Contents from Spain, and the University of Patras from Greece) participated and presented online.

The aim of the project is to showcase how BIM concepts and technologies can be applied transversally to other fields than construction and architecture, particularly in higher education, to create a systematic framework that leads to quality outcomes.

Dr Julian Ng of Warnborough College UK (the project’s leader) opened the event and welcomed delegates both onsite and online. He presented a cogent explanation of what BIM is and how it can be used effectively. This was followed by Adam Hajjaj of Innosouth (Spain) who presented the results of the multinational research into the use of BIM and the teaching of it at higher education institutions in the partner countries. The results were dismal, and provided the project partners with an avenue to improve the statistics.

Gustavo Ferreiro of Global Contents (Spain) then took up the mantle by presenting on the BIM Schema – a clear result developed as part of the project – and underlining its importance to higher education institutions for the future.

Dr Arkadiusz Malek gave a spirited and interactive presentation on how BIM concepts could be used in other disciplines such as mechatronics and information technology.  Dr Dimitrios Michapoulos from the University of Patras in Greece showcased online two courses developed by the university for its students on the transversal use of BIM. Gabor Palotas of Hungarian partner, EK Association, also addressed the audience briefly, from Budapest.

The feedback received was excellent, with many people saying they had not looked at BIM through different lenses before. This project is only the start of tapping the potential of this framework for all sorts of disciplines.