What qualifications are available and what do they mean?
Standards and classifications of course levels vary from country to country. For example, Level 2 in the Republic of Ireland means something very different in the UK or or the United States.
Our courses are designed to meet industry needs globally. Flexibility allows learners to tailor outcomes accordingly. This means that you can learn something as a hobby, or use the knowledge to further their studies at university, get into an industry, or work independently.
The courses are written to be equivalent to Level 4 or 5 on the European Qualifications Framework, and the assessment may vary depending on the level.
Our courses are written to help you build the necessary knowledge and skills in your area of work and are appropriate for many job roles.
Some of our courses (e.g. our Pre-Medical Diploma) involve detailed and specialised learning of higher-level information in a particular area. Learning at this level is appropriate for people at universities, or who work in professional and technical jobs managing or developing others.
List of Qualifications
Type | Description |
Letter of Achievement | This usually appeals to people who are not seeking a higher qualification, but interested in a particular subject only. Requires: On satisfactory completion of all assignments in a course, and on request, you will be issued with an official Letter of Achievement |
Certificate (Cert.) | A certificate will appeal to those who seek to develop a good knowledge and understanding of a particular subject. This certificate will involve building your knowledge / or skills in relation to your particular area of interest and is appropriate to many job roles. Requires: 1 Module – up to 150 Hours (you must complete all assignments and successfully complete one examination OR final project) |
Advanced Certificate (Adv.Cert.) | This would be generally considered equal to or higher than a trade level qualification. Requires: 4 modules – up to 650 Hours Prerequisites: 1 year of relevant full-time work, or over 21 years of age, or equivalent. |
Diploma (Dip.) | This would normally be considered equal to, or higher than a supervisory qualification. Requires: 6 modules – up to 900 hours, plus 200 hours of work experience or industry meetings. Prerequisites: 1 year of relevant full-time work; or a reputable certificate; or over 21 years of age; or equivalent. |
Advanced Diploma (Adv.Dip.) | This would normally be considered a management or professional qualification. Requires: 8 modules – up to 1200 hours normally including a Research Project, plus 100 hours of work experience or industry meetings. Prerequisites: A reputable certificate; or over 21 years of age; or equivalent. |
Higher Advanced Diploma (H.Adv.Dip.) | This may, in some situations, be considered similar to a foundation degree or associate degree. Requires: 12 modules – up to 1800 hours normally including Research Projects I and II, plus 100 hours of work experience or industry meetings. Prerequisites: A reputable diploma (at least 600 hrs); or over 21 years of age; or equivalent. |
Note: All Modules are taught at the same quality and standard whether they are taken for a Letter of Completion or a Higher Advanced Diploma. If you do not have the prerequisites listed above, please contact us.
What We Offer
E-books are exactly what they say they are – books, available electronically. The books are written so they can be easily read on a screen, be it your PC or a tablet or phone. Our e-books are great as an introduction to your topic or an easy reference guide. E-books do not count towards any qualification.
Standard Courses
Almost any course/module of 100 to 150 hours in duration can be included within a qualification. Exceptions are courses designated specifically as hobby courses, or as not being relevant to a commercial situation. These include: Landscaping Home Gardens, Home Garden Expert Course, Home Vegetable Growing, Home Fruit Growing, Herbs (basic Course), Efficient Writing, Hobby Photography.
Short Courses
These 20-hour modules are like extended e-books or microcredentials. They have elements of assessment (but are self-assessed). When completed successfully, you can print off your own certificate. They typically do not contribute to other qualifications.
Other Modalities of Learning
Industry Meetings
For this requirement, learners must attend conferences, seminars, trade shows, exhibitions, study tours, committee meetings, or any other industry events where attendance can be considered as contributing toward their awareness and education of the industry. Proof of attendance must be shown. This may be in the form of references, certificates of attendance or letters from the organisers of the event. A portfolio or written report with photographs can be supplied as can any other reasonable means of demonstration.
Research Projects
Research Projects I, II and III are generic 100 hour modules. Each module involves some formal studies to learn about research methods and techniques, followed by conducting some real research into a subject relevant to the discipline being studied.
Work Experience
This must be shown to be both relevant to the qualification; and a valuable learning experience. Work that is menial or unchallenging may not be approved. A reference from an employer, client or colleague must be supplied, describing both the nature and duration of the work.