Main Description:
Wellness coaching can be used to help people reach their potential for physical and psychological health. This course will help you understand what a wellness coach does and how you can practice as a wellness coach.
A career in wellness coaching can be very rewarding, this course will help you coach people to achieve wellness. This 100 hour course will not only teach you about psychological and physical wellbeing, it will help you learn about this industry and practice some questioning and coaching techniques.
Course Structure:
There are six lessons in this course:
Lesson 1- Wellness & Wellness Coaching
- What is wellness
- Wellness Coaching
- Scope of Wellness Coaching
- Health and Happiness
Lesson 2- Qualities of a Wellness Coach
- Education
- Industry Associations
- Personal Skills
- Professional Development
Lesson 3- Dimensions of Wellness
- Key Dimensions
- Secondary Dimensions
- Stress
- Ways to Stay Healthy
Lesson 4- Coaching Clients
- Coaching Process
- Wellness Vision
- Tips to help clients set goals
- SWOT Analysis
- Telephone or online wellness coaching
- Asking questions
Lesson 5- Maintaining Wellness
- Habit formation
- Ending the coaching
- Strategies to help the client help themselves
Lesson 6- Working as a wellness coach
- Practical Issues
- Modes of Coaching
- Employment opportunities
- Small business in wellness coaching
How Does a Warnborough Online Course Work?
You can start this course at any time you like. Once you have enrolled, you will be given access to our online learning system where you can view or download the lessons to your PC, tablet or other device.
There are self-assessment tests at the end of each unit so you can check if you understood the lesson. You can attempt these as many times as you like, and the results will be displayed once you have completed. You must be connected to the Internet for these tests to work. Practical exercises and research tasks will be set at the end of each lesson – including an assignment. You will submit this assignment to your course tutor, who will mark your work and give you constructive feedback and suggestions.
At the end of the course, you can apply to do a final assessment. This may be an examination or a major project. You will receive the credits and a certificate of completion if you pass. If you have any questions, please contact us.