This online course will equip you in the world of water conservation and sustainability. This includes learning to; better manage water recourses, use water wisely and design and implement water management plans and procedures during different situations. The world as we know it is running out of water and we have to do more. This specialist course will help you understand how we can overcome this huge problem.
Course Structure:
The duration of this online course is 100 hours. This consists of 10 in-depth lessons:
1. Introduction to water conservation
- Importance of water
- The water cycle rainfall, evaporation, infiltration, effective rainfall
- Water sources and storage water quality
- Facts on water uses water use at home, in primary and other industries
- Why conserve water personal, regional and global significance
2. Water conservation at home
- In Australia
- In the United Kingdom
- In the United States
- Measures undertaken to save water in the home in the kitchen, bathroom and in the garden
- Water Saving Devices
3. Water conservation in the workplace
- General principles
- Implementing water saving strategies
- Installing small appliances
- Large water saving devices
4. Water management
- Water quality maintaining water quality, salinity, chemical contaminants
- Controlling Use and Quality of Water water flow measurement, water quality control, testing water salinity
- Preserving Water Quality minimising evaporation, water sanitation
- Water Audits
- Water Management Plans
5. Water conservation in Primary Production I
- Water Saving Measures
- Water Wise Plants
- Water Wise Procedures
- Water Wise Irrigation systems
- Water Wise Landscaping
- Equipment, structures and tools to save water
6. Water conservation in Primary Production II
- Use of water in primary production
- Methods of water storage
- Rainwater collection and storage
- Bore water
- Farm dams planning, lined ponds
- Water Requirements livestock requirements, domestic requirements
- Water Quality
- Water Problems on Farms contamination and disposal of water, evaporation, seepage, runoff, overspray, scheduling
- Using Farm Waste Water
- Irrigation System Design
- Maintenance Procedures and Scheduling
- Surface/Flood Irrigation
- Sprinkler Irrigation
- Swales and Keylines
7. Water conservation in Services industries
- Use of Water in Services Industry
- Contamination and Disposal of Water
- Reduce/Reuse/Recycle
8. Water conservation and Health
- Hospitals, nursing homes, laundries, clinical laboratories, dental practices, human and animal research facilities
- Uses of water in Health Industry control pathogens, general use
- Water minimisation
- Water efficiency
9. Water conservation in other sectors
- Use of water in manufacturing, construction and heavy industry
- Water use in the production process
- Examples of water using activities in food facilities
- Water holding
- Benefits of cleaner production
10. Water treatment, reuse and recycling
- Water Sanitation filtering and disinfection
- Water Reuse and Recycling classification and composition of waste water.
- Recycling Wastewater
- Wastewater treatment
- Suitable plants
- Treating saline water
Overuse of local resources and pollution can cause the water to become scarce. Different users of water are fighting for demand; like farmers, people in big cities and industries. We are using much more water than is actually necessary in today’s world.
How does a Warnborough Online Course work?
You can start the course whenever is convenient for you. You will be studying from home and have access to support from our qualified tutors. Practical exercises and research tasks will be set at the end of each lesson – including an assignment. You will submit this assignment to your course tutor, who will mark your work and give you constructive feedback and suggestions.
If you have any questions please contact us.