Propagation I


Develop your broad skills in plant propagation. The module is aimed primarily at people who work (or plant to) in the nursery industry, but will be of value to anyone with a broad interest in propagating plants.

If you find parts of this subject difficult, we recommend that you should pause and read through a book on botany or general plant propagation before proceeding. The student will be required to visit and telephone various sites, including relevant workplaces, to observe, inspect or interview employees or management. Through these visits the student will develop an awareness of workplaces and practical applications of the subject.

E-Learning Structure

The duration of this online course is 100 hours. This consists of 10 in-depth lessons:

  1. Introduction to Propagation – asexual and sexual propagation, plant life cycles, nursery production systems
  2. Seed Propagation
  3. Potting Media
  4. Vegetative Propagation I – cuttings
  5. Vegetative Propagation II – care of stock plants; layering, division and other techniques
  6. Vegetative Propagation III – budding and grafting, tissue culture
  7. Propagation Structures and Materials – greenhouses, propagating equipment
  8. Risk Management – nursery hygiene, risk assessment and management
  9. Nursery Management I – plant modification techniques, management policies
  10. Nursery Management II – nursery standards, cost efficiencies, site planning and development

Course Aims

  • Develop the ability to source information on plant propagation, through an awareness of industry terminology and information sources.
  • Plan the propagation of different plant species from seeds, using different seed propagation methods.
  • Plan the propagation of different types of plants from cuttings, using different cutting propagation methods.
  • Plan the propagation of various types of plants using a range of propagation techniques, excluding cuttings and seed.
  • Determine the necessary facilities, including materials and equipment, required for propagation of different types of plants.
  • Determine a procedure to minimise plant losses during propagation.
  • Determine the management practices of significance to the commercial viability of a propagation nursery.
  • Design a propagation plan for the production of a plant.

How Does A Warnborough Online Course Work?

You can start the course whenever is convenient for you. You will be studying from home and have access to support from our qualified tutors. Practical exercises and research tasks will be set at the end of each lesson – including an assignment. You will submit this assignment to your course tutor, who will mark your work and give you constructive feedback and suggestions.

If you have any questions please contact us.