Learn to be an effective play leader – the children you work with will know you’re fun, being within your care is exciting for them; and of course, parents can relax as their children enjoy attending care and go home tired from carrying out a variety of activities you have designed.
This course will able you to work as either a volunteer or in employment as a professional in this challenging and rewarding field. You will need to have lots of energy and imagination! You will need to love children and enjoy their care-free, often humorous personalities.
This course will develop valuable skills in anyone working, or wishing to work with children.
Our staff have experience training play leaders for over 35 years and have devised this truely fantastic course which will challenge you and arm you with the skills you need to succeed in this vitally important industry. Children deserve the best!
Understand and apply a knowledge of Children’s play to help children’s physical and intellectual development.
“I strongly believe this course will develop an understanding of the importance of play and childhood interactions and also give practical methodologies for productive activities for children. This is not an easy course – the content is challenging touching on aspects of psychology and personal management – a real learning experience for those students who want more than the standard child-care courses offered at government run institutions.” Jade Pollock former Youth Leader and Teacher.
Course Structure:
The duration of this online course is 100 hours. This consists of 10 in-depth lessons:
- Understanding Play
- Leadership Skills
- Planning Play Programs
- Child Development through Play
- Play Safety
- Physical Play
- Social Play
- Adventure Playground.
- Play Apparatus
- Activities
…. plus Special Project
Course Aims:
- Explain the purpose of play in the cognitive, physical and social development of a child.
- Determine the skills required to carry out a play leadership role in different situations
- Plan for a supervised children’s play program.
- To develop a basic understanding of the impact of play upon the psychological development of a child.
- To determine appropriate measures to take to protect a child’s safety when at play, while minimising any interference which might diminish the quality of the play experience.
- Explain options for physical play activities, including games and sports, in a supervised play program.
- Develop an understanding of options for social play activities, in a supervised play program.
- To develop a basic ability to plan, establish and manage a supervised adventure
- To develop an ability to evaluate a range of different play apparatus, including playground structures, toys, sports equipment, commenting on quality, safety features, appropriate applications and cost benefit.
To broaden your scope of opportunities that can be offered for children to play, appropriate to a wide range of different situations.
Who should take this course?
Youth leaders in community organisations or involved in community work
Coaches, trainers, and others involved in child health and fitness
Child carers, or people looking to transition into the early childhood industry
At the end of this course you will:
- Understand how to plan, establish and manage a supervised adventure
- Be able to explain the purpose of play in the cognitive, physical and social development of a child.
- Understand how to effectively use play resources and structures in your interactions with children
How does a Warnborough Online Course work?
You can start the course whenever is convenient for you. You will be studying from home and have access to support from our qualified tutors. Practical exercises and research tasks will be set at the end of each lesson – including an assignment. You will submit this assignment to your course tutor, who will mark your work and give you constructive feedback and suggestions.
If you have any questions please contact us.