E-Learning Structure
The duration of this online course is 100 hours. This consists of 10 in-depth lessons:
- Crop Production Systems
- Organic Crop Production
- Soils and Nutrition
- Nursery Stock Production
- Tree Fruit Production
- Soft Fruits Production
- Vegetable Production
- Cut Flower Production
- Herbs, Nuts and Miscellaneous Crops
- Crop Production Risk Assessment
Course Aims
- Explain different cropping systems and their appropriate application for the production of different types of crops.
- Evaluate and explain organic plant production, and the requirements in at least two different countries, to achieve organic certification.
- Explain the function of soils and plant nutrition in outdoor cropping systems.
- Describe the commercial production of a range of nursery stock.
- Describe the commercial production of a range of tree fruit crops.
Explain the techniques used to produce a range of soft fruits.
- Explain the techniques used to grow a range of vegetables.
- Explain the commercial production of outdoor-grown cut flowers.
- Describe commercial production of herbs, nuts and other miscellaneous crops.
- Identify the risks that may occur in outdoor crop production.
How Does A Warnborough Online Course Work?
You can start the course whenever is convenient for you. You will be studying from home and have access to support from our qualified tutors. Practical exercises and research tasks will be set at the end of each lesson – including an assignment. You will submit this assignment to your course tutor, who will mark your work and give you constructive feedback and suggestions.
If you have any questions please contact us.