Organic Farming – BAG305


This online course will teach you all about sustainable, chemical free farm production:

  • Boost your knowledge on organic farming in the modern world
  • Improve your business-running capabilities
  • Improve your career prospects
  • Learn from our Organic Farming Tutors

This online course will teach you all about sustainable, chemical free farm production:

  • Boost your knowledge on organic farming in the modern world
  • Improve your business-running capabilities
  • Improve your career prospects
  • Learn from our Organic Farming Tutors

E-Learning Structure

The duration of this online course is 100 hours. This consists of 10 in-depth lessons:

Lesson 1. Introduction to Organic Farming

  • Scope; Nature; History; Types of organic farming.

Lesson 2. Integrated Farm Management Systems

  • Rotation design; Cash crops; Managing waste; Permaculture; Polyculture; Biodynamics etc.

Lesson 3. Organic Management Issues

  • Certification; Environmental concerns; Marketing; PR.

Lesson 4. Organic Soil Management and Crop Nutrition

  • Composting; Mulching; Green manuring; Cover crops; Organic fertilisers.

Lesson 5. Weed Management

  • Selecting appropriate techniques of control; Weed identification.

Lesson 6. Pest and Disease Management

  • Animals; Plants.

Lesson 7. Livestock Management I

  • Beef; Dairy; Sheep; Pigs.

Lesson 8. Livestock Management II

  • Poultry; Goats; Alpacas; Ostriches; Deer.

Lesson 9. Pasture

  • Pasture Varieties; Management Principles; Intensive systems; Nitrogen fixation; Correct seed mix; Risks with legumes.

Lesson 10. Crops

  • Wheat; Plant Fibre; Hay and Silage; Mung Beans; Sesame seeds, etc.

Course Aims

  • Investigate Organic industry such as, Certifying Organisations, Producers or organic farming groups in your locality or region.
  • Determine allowable inputs to an organic farm certifying in your area.
  • Discuss how an organic farm requires more labour than a conventional farm.
  • Visit an organic farm, either a real visit or virtual visit if that is not possible.
  • Prepare a plan for an organic farm.
  • Describe the conversion process for one of the organic farms.
  • Investigate organic market potential.
  • Prepare a compost heap.
  • Prepare a diagram of a healthy soil food web.
  • Prepare a weed collection (25 weeds – either pressings or illustrations).
  • Determine appropriate weed control within allowable organic farming limits.
  • Describe the life cycle of three animal parasites.
  • Describe habitat requirements of various predatory insects.
  • Survey one or more farms regarding animal production systems.
  • How can the animals above be integrated into a vegetable or fruit production system.
  • Determine organic solutions to different farming problems.
  • Investigate different pasture management systems.

How Does A Warnborough Online Course Work?

You can start the course whenever is convenient for you. You will be studying from home and have access to support from our qualified tutors. Practical exercises and research tasks will be set at the end of each lesson – including an assignment. You will submit this assignment to your course tutor, who will mark your work and give you constructive feedback and suggestions.

If you have any questions please contact us.