Course Aim
To explain all aspects of how nutrition affects weight loss. It is an ideal course for people working with children in the child care industry. It is also a good course for mothers wanting to understand their children’s nutritional needs and learn to cope with them or for self enhancement.
There are nine lessons in this course as follows :
1. Understanding Obesity
2. Nutrition Basics
3. Diets – Fads, Fiction and Fact
4. Preventing Obesity
5. Treating Obesity
6. Modifying Eating Behaviour
7. Restricting Calorie Intake
8. Medical Conditions : Hormones, Drugs, Eating Disorders
9. Planning a Diet
This course helps you understand obesity, particularly focusing on the affect of what we eat on weight.
Here’s what is covered by each lesson :
There are nine lessons in this course as follows :
1. Understanding Obesity
- What is Obesity
- `Types` of Obesity – Hyperplasia or Hypertrophy of Fats Cells
- Dietary Trends and the Incidence of Obesity
- Factors Influencing Food Intake and Habits
- Physiological factors which determine food intake
- Environmental and behavioural factors which determine food intake
- Causes of Obesity (Genetics, Lifestyle, Exercise, Eating habits, Water intake, Changing metabolism through life, Medical conditions and disease, Psychology)
- Health Risks of Obesity
- Understanding Weight
- Body composition
- Evaluation Techniques – Body Mass Index (BMI)
2. Nutrition Basics
- Why we need food
- Nutrient Reference Value (NRV)
- Understanding Digestion and Absorption
- How we process food
- Basic Roles of Major Digestive Organs
- Food Composition (Carbohydrates, Protens, Fats, etc)
- Fibre
- Need for Fluids
- The Glycaemic Index (GI)
- Calculating Energy Requirements
- Basal Metabolic Rate
- Food Pyramid and Recommeded Daily Intake (RDI)
- What is the recommended intake of nutrients ?
- New food pyramid and normal eating patterns
- Chilhood Obesity
3. Diets – Fads, Fiction and Fact
- A Review of Popular Approaches to Weight Loss and Control
- Vegetarian Diets
- Starvation
- Very Low Calorie and Liquid Diets
- Commercial Low Calorie Meal Substitutes
- Commercial Low Calorie Meal Substitutes
- Blood type diet
- Food combining
- Detox Diets
- Low carbohydrate diets
- Low Glycaemic index diet (low GI0
- Sweeteners
- Low fat diets
- Fat Substitutes
- Fat burning diets
- Supplements
- Guidelines for Childhood Weight Loss
4. Preventing Obesity
- Introduction
- Metabolism – Keeping the Metabolic Rate Stable
- Making the best food choices
- Nutritional Education
- Teaching Healthy Eating Habits to Children
- Health Initiatives Targeting Obesity
- Public Health Information
- Legislative controls
5. Treating Obesity
- Methods that Work
- Assessment of Clients or Patients
- Modifying Behaviour
- Prescribing Diets
- Life Coach and Personal Trainer
- Weight Loss Hypnosis
- Self-help Groups
- Health Clubs, Health Farms and Holidays Retreats
- A Holistic Approach
- Supplements
6. Modifying Eating Behaviour
- Key Stages in Behaviour Changes
- Cultural food patterns
- How to Make Lifelong Changes
- Assess Current Diet (patterns and nutritional value)
- Plan for Change
- Seek Motivation and Support from Others
- Improving Health Through Food
- Diseases Linked to Obesity
- Changing Unhealthy Habits
7. Restricting Calorie Intake
- Understanding Energy and Metabolism
- Metabolism
- Energy Metabolism
- Age (Growth and Aging) and Metabolism
- Activity and Metabolism
- Calorie Restricted Diets
8. Medical Conditions : Hormones, Drugs, Eating Disorders
- Nutrition During Disease
- Childhood Diabetes
- Link between Medication and Diet
- Drugs and Hormones Prescribed for Weight Management
- Diet Pills
- Thyroid hormone
- Somatropin (Growth Hormone)
- Weight Loss Surgery
- Lipoplasty (Liposuction)
- Abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck)
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Bulimia Nervosa
9. Planning a Diet
- A major Problem Based Learning Project
Sample from course :
There are two types of obesity – this theory is been based on differences between the anatomical characteristics of adipose tissues. Adipose tissue is the loose connective tissue which is responsible for energy storage in the form of fat (lipids). It also provides insulation from heat and cold and offers protective padding around vital organs e.g. the liver.
Hyperplasia of adipose cells – this is an increase in the number of fat cells. The number of cells can be as much as five times greater than those found in a healthy child of average weight. Fat cells can also show some enlargement, but this is not vast. The core and extremities of the human body experience hyperplasia of adipose cells.
Adipose tissue contains several cell types, with the highest percentage of cells being adipocytes (more commonly known as fat cells), which contain fat droplets. The two different types of obesity are seen in children and adults, with one more predominately identified in children and the other predominately found in adults.
Hypertrophy of adipose cells – this is when adipose cells are greatly enlarged or `hypertrophied`. The number of fat cells may be same or may increase slightly in adults. Fat distribution is mostly centralised in this type.
Enrol now and learn more.