You will learn about caring for animals naturally:
- Explore Natural Therapies and how they can be used with animals
- Learn how to optimise health naturally and minimise the chance of the infection
- Developed by a team of highly qualified and experienced animal experts in liason with professionally qualified experts in animal welfare and in natural therapies. This is a unique course, developed and tutored by unique experts.
Course Aims
- Explain the principles and benefits of natural animal health care
- Recognise common signs of ill health in different animals
- Explain the principles of natural nutrition for animals
- Describe requirements for preventative health care in animals
- Recognise common diseases , health problems and natural treatments for those problems in domestic animals
- Develop an understanding of natural treatments for health problems in animals
- Recognise some common diseases, health problems and natural treatments for those problems in livestock
- Develop a natural treatment plan for a specific health problem of an animal
E-Learning Structure
Introduction to Natural Animal Health Care
- Limitations of Conventional Medicine, Holistic Treatments, Homeopathy, Flower Essences, Naturopathy, Natural Nutrition, Tactile Therapy (Massage, Equine Tactile Therapy, Bowen Therapy, Canine Myofunctional Therapy, Physiotherapy, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Acapuncture, Microcurrent, Microwave Therapies, Ayurvedic Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine), Benefits of Natural Health Care, Codes of Practice for Animal Welfare, Health and Safety in Veterinary Practice (Separating Animals, Infectious Diseases, Containing Disease, Disposal of Dead / Infected Tissues, Dangerous non-Animal Wastes, Storage and Handling of Supplements / Equipment).
Signs of Ill Health
- Normal Vital Signs, Recognising ill health, Disease Diagnosis, Homeopathic Remedies, Signs of Shock, Signs of Internal Bleeding, Signs of Poisoning, First Aid.
Natural Nutrition for Animals
- The effect of Modern Living on Domestic Animals, Processed Pet Foods, Affect of Poor Nutrition on Animal Behaviour, Good Nutrition for Domesticated Animals (Carbohydrates, Proten, Fats / Lipids, Minerals, Vitamins, Supplements, Recipes) ; Nutritional Problems in Animals (Allergies, Dermatitis, Overweight, Underweight, Liver Disease, Livestock (Mineral supplements for farm animals, Nutritional Supplements).
Holistic Health Care – Maintaining Health
- Creating a Healthy Environment (Domestic pets, Livestock) ; Health Maintenance, Preventing Arthritis in Dogs, The Vaccination Debate, Pet Dental Care, Flea Control, Disease Prevention in Livestock, Preventing Disease in Poultry, Avian Influenza.
Holistic Health Care – Treating Health Problems
- Naturopathic Treatment, Homeopathic Treatment, Herbalism, Treating Common Ailments (Arthritis, Skin   Problems, Digestive Complaints, Diabetes, Dental Problems) ; Pain Management, Identifying Pain, Pain Relief Medication, Herbal Treatments, Homeopathy, Flower Essences; Physical Therapy, Equine Tactile Therapy, Bowen Therapy, Canine Therapy Myofunctional Therapy, Behavioural Problems (Dogs-excessive barking, digging, aggression, phobias; Cats- Urine spraying, scratching furniture, aggression; Birds).
Animal Diseases and Health Problems (Domestic Animals)
- Dogs – Distemper, Heartworn, Parvo virus, Hydatid Disease, Cats – Ringworm, Feline Aids – Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, Hairballs, Feline Herpes Virus or Cat Flu; Rodents – Respiratory problems and Mycoplasma, Abscesses, Reptiles – Mouth Rot or Canker (Stomatitis); cytoparasites (Mites), Pneumonia, Fish, Cage Birds…etc
Animal Diseases and Health Problems (Livestock)
- Notifiable Diseases, Control of Internal Parasites, Horses (Tentnus, Lock Jaw, Strangles, Parasites, Colic, Equine Influenza); Cattle (Parasites, Mastitis), Pigs (Exudative Epidermitis of Pigs (Greasy Pig), Leptospirosis, Parasites); Sheep (Enterotoxemia (Pulpy Kidney), Cutaneous Myasis (Blow Fly strike)), Poultry (Newcastle Disease (NCD), Yolk Sac Infection, Infectious Bronchitis (IB)).
Animal Health Care Case Study Research Project
- Evaluate symptoms of ill-health displayed by an animal, determine the problem and decide on a natural course of treatment for the specific health problem suffered by the animal. Develop a management plan that the owner of the animal can undertake to help treat the problem and relieve associated pain and discomfort.
How Does A Warnborough Online Course Work?
You can start the course whenever is convenient for you. You will be studying from home and have access to support from our qualified tutors. Practical exercises and research tasks will be set at the end of each lesson – including an assignment. You will submit this assignment to your course tutor, who will mark your work and give you constructive feedback and suggestions.
If you have any questions please contact us.