The Diploma in Horticulture (Nature Park Management) is a vocationally-oriented qualification comprising both studies in both general horticulture and in nature park management. This is a qualification for anyone interested in working in zoos, wildlife and nature reserves, national parks or similar locations.
The Diploma in Horticulture (Nature Park Managment) involves the 2 following areas of work:
- Nature Park Management I BEN120
- Introduction to Nature Park Management – the role and scope of nature parks; the importance of indigenous vegetation in nature parks.
- Basic Ecology – the environment, plants and animals; ecosystem concepts.
- Soil Management in Nature Parks – soil characteristics and problems; earthworks.
- Plant Maintenance – basic gardening techniques; natural gardening; plant selection; succession planting; equipment.
- Design of Nature/Wilderness Parks I – collecting site information; preparing concept plans.
- Design of Nature/Wilderness Parks II – drawing the final plan; construction estimates; designing animal enclosures.
- Weed Management – characteristics of weeds; weed control; environmental weeds.
- Pest and Disease Management – management strategies; chemical safety.
- Culture of Indigenous Plants – techniques for establishing vegetation; planting design.
- Tree Management – role of trees in nature parks; tree maintenance plans; pruning and tree surgery.
- Turf Care – turf varieties in nature parks; lawn preparation, establishment and maintenance.
- Rehabilitation: Problems and Solutions – aims and strategies; soil problems and solutions in degraded sites.
- Nature Park Management II BEN204
- Natural Environments – preserving natural environments; plant associations and environment rehabilitation
- Recreation and the Environment – impact of recreation on natural environments
- Wildlife Management in Nature Parks- impact of park visitors on wildlife; managing wildlife
- Visitor Amenities in Nature Parks – design; provision of visitor amenities including picnic areas and campgrounds; management of facilities
- Park Interpretation – interpretative facilities including signs and education programs
- Trail Design and Construction – designing access routes in parks; designing and constructing walking tracks
- Water Areas – conserving and managing natural water bodies in Nature Park, impact of humans on water areas
- Marketing Nature Parks – strategies used to promote nature parks
- Risk Management I – identifying, minimising and managing natural hazards; safety issues
- Risk Management II – preparing a risk management plan
Choose any four (4)Â modules from the list below.
- Introduction To Ecology BEN101
- Ecotour Management BTR101
- Ecotourism Tour Guide Course BTR301
- Weed Control BHT209
- Wildlife Management BEN205
- Conservation & Environmental Management BEN201
- Ornithology BEN102
- Marine Studies I BEN103
- Practical Horticulture 1 BHT238
- Environmental Assessment – BEN301
- Vertebrate Zoology BEN104
- Workplace Health & Safety VBS103
- Animal Health Care VAG100