There has been a great deal of research over the years into physiological arousal and emotional states. We know, for instance, that exercise causes heightened physiological arousal and the release of adrenaline. Similarly, anger is associated with increased levels of arousal. There is some evidence to suggest that arousal and anger (or other emotions for that matter) have a reflexive relationship. That is, they each enhance each other. As arousal increases so does anger, and as anger increases so does arousal.
Who Is This Online Course For?
- Law enforcement officers
- Social workers
- Carers
- Teachers
- Psychologists
- Counsellors
- and many more.
E-Learning Structure
The duration of this online course is 100 hours. This consists of 9 in-depth lessons:
Lesson 1. Nature and Scope of Anger
- Introduction.
- The autonomic nervous system.
- Anger and arousal.
- Galvanic skin resistance.
- Voice stress analyser.
- Polygraph.
- Degrees of arousal.
- Difficulties of arousal theories.
- Theories of emotion.
- James Lange theory.
- Cannon-Bard theory.
- Schachter’s theory.
- Lazarus’s appraisal theory.
- Weiner’s attribution.
- Averill’s social construction theory.
- Facial feedback theory.
Lesson 2. Managing Anger with Counselling
- Causes of anger.
- Frustration.
- Breaking personal rules.
- Self-defence.
- Expression of anger.
- Counselling strategies.
- Empty chair technique.
- Recognising psychological arousal.
- Thought stopping.
- Relaxation exercises.
- Progressive muscle relaxation.
- Time out.
- Assertiveness training.
- Three steps in assertiveness training.
- Five stage assertiveness training interview.
- Mental blocks to assertiveness.
Lesson 3. Managing Anger with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Cognitive behavioural therapy.
- Identifying antecedents.
- Assessment of anger.
- Beginning therapy.
- Teaching CBT.
- Inferences.
- Evaluations.
- Chaining.
- Disputing inferences and evaluations.
- Independence and blocks to change.
- Use of imagery.
- Emotional insight Exposure.
- Termination.
- Working with anger problems in CBT.
- Problems with CBT for anger management.
Lesson 4. Anger Management Techniques for Violence
- Introduction.
- Anger and violence.
- Appearance.
- Posture.
- Affect.
- Speech.
- Causes of violence.
- Cold violence.
- Hot violence.
- Reactive violence.
- Tips for dealing with a violent client.
- Strategies for violence prevention.
- Action after violence.
- Managing violence against others.
- Mental disorders and violence.
Lesson 5. Anger Management for People with Mental Health Issues
- DSM dimensions to diagnose mental illness.
- Dementia.
- Dementia and anger.
- Supporting clients with dementia.
- Grief.
- Anxiety.
- Depression.
- Stages of grief.
- Tasks of mourning.
Lesson 6. Managing Anger in Children and Adolescents
- Introduction.
- Toddlers.
- Temper tantrums.
- Older children and anger.
- Adolescence.
- Psychological changes in girls.
- Psychological changes in boys.
- Depression.
- Eating problems.
- Adults sharing anger.
Lesson 7. Anger Management for People with Special Difficulties
- People with personality disorders.
- Psychopathology.
- Borderline personality disorders and treatment.
- Psychopath and treatment.
- Road rage, symptoms and abuse.
Lesson 8. Anger Management Services
- Counselling.
- Anger management clinics.
- Courses and workshops.
- Group and individual work.
- Conflict management.
- Conflict handling techniques.
- Life coaching.
- Setting up an anger management consultancy.
Lesson 9. Deciding on a Course of Action
- PBL (Project Based Learning) Project to create and present a plan of anger management to support an individual experiencing serious anger difficulties.
Course Aims
- Discuss the nature and scope of anger including psychological and physiological manifestations.
- Explain the biological, social and psychological causes of anger and the strategies used by counsellors to deal with the underlying causes in an effort to diffuse the build-up of anger in people.
- Explain how anger problems can be addressed through the application of cognitive behavioural counselling.
- Discuss anger management techniques to diffuse violent outbursts and manage violence
- Consider anger management issues for people with specific mental health issues.
- Explain the causes of anger in children and adolescents, and review a wide range of techniques for addressing those issues.
- Determine the nature and scope of anger management services in society.
- Identify ways to support clients seeking anger management services.
- Evaluate a situation where anger is becoming a problem and determine an appropriate course to follow in response to the problem.
How does a Warnborough Online Course Work?
You can start the course whenever is convenient for you. You will be studying from home and have access to support from our qualified tutors. Practical exercises and research tasks will be set at the end of each lesson – including an assignment. You will submit this assignment to your course tutor, who will mark your work and give you constructive feedback and suggestions.
If you have any questions please contact us.