Advanced Diploma In Information Technology VIT005


A solid foundation for a career in I.T., this course focuses on developing awareness of industry, knowledge of valuable skills and a capacity to adapt to change in order to remain abreast of what is a rapidly changing discipline. This course does not require any previous IT experience as it takes you right from the basics to a higher level. You can work as an IT Officer, Technical support officer, IT Help desk Officer or an IT Administrator.


Choose (8) modules from the list below and must include Research Project I:
To obtain this qualification you need to complete all assignments and pass exams in eight (8) modules including Rearch Project 1. In addition you need to provide proof of attendance of 100 hours of industry meetings such as professional association committee meetings, seminars, conferences or trade shows.

More detailed information can be found by clicking on each individual module below:

Research Project I
The Research Project involves some theoretical studies followed by designing, conducting and writing up research on a relevant topic. Selection of the topic, and progress in this project is monitored and guided by a tutor.

Industry Meetings (100 hours)
Industry Meetings involves attendance at committee meetings, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, trade shows, or any other events that are relevant. The student needs to submit documentary proof of attendance (eg. references, testimonials, receipts etc).