Study Acacias with this course – learn about growing them and how they are used
- Learn about the botany, culture, and identification of Acacias.
- The course covers about 50 different species of Acacia.
- Learn about the commercial uses for Acacias, including: building materials, food plants, tanning, crafts, and many more uses.
- Study Acacias and learn about how useful they are.
E-Learning Structure
The duration of this online course is 100 hours. This consists of 8 in-depth lessons:
1. Introduction and Resources
- Nature and Scope of Acacias.
- Plant/Acacia Taxonomy (classification and naming).
- Acacia Ecosystems.
- Significant Acacias from Australia, Africa and the Middle East.
2. Physiology and Botany of Acacias
- Acacia relatives; and the Order Fabales.
- Understanding flower structure of Acacias.
- An inflorescence.
- Using Botanical terms to describe Acacias.
- Acacia foliage.
- Classifying Acacias according to foliage type.
- Classifying Acacias according to flower type.
- Acacia fruits (seed pods).
3. Culture
- Environmental considerations.
- Nutrition.
- Pest and Disease.
- Soil conditions for Acacias.
- Typical cultural requirements.
- Australian Acacias (review of size, foliage and flowering).
- Weed management.
- Soil testing.
 4. Propagation
- Scope of wattle propagation.
- Seed treaments.
- Sowing wattle seeds.
- Seed storage.
- Acacia cutting propagation.
- Transplanting seedlings or cuttings.
- Potting up.
5. Acacias And Their Uses
- As a landscape plant (windbreaks, screens, shrubberies, erosion control, soil enrichment, rock gardens, tubs).
- Plant selection.
- Buying the right specimin.
- Using Acasias as specimin trees.
- Garden Design with Acacias.
- Creating landscape affects.
- Acacia species for different conditions.
6. Other Uses For Acacias
- Timber.
- Tanning.
- Cut Flowers.
- Perfumery with Acacias.
- Acacias for human food.
- Acacias for animal fodder.
- Gum Arabic.
7. Pest & Disease of Acacias
- Nature and scope of Pest and Disease.
- Pest and Disease problems detected on Acacias.
- Environmental problems.
8. Special Project
- Problem Based Learning style project, to plan the establishment of a collection of Acacias for a specific location.
How Does A Warnborough Online Course Work?
You can start the course whenever is convenient for you. You will be studying from home and have access to support from our qualified tutors. Practical exercises and research tasks will be set at the end of each lesson – including an assignment. You will submit this assignment to your course tutor, who will mark your work and give you constructive feedback and suggestions.
If you have any questions please contact us.