It's Really Easy

How You Can Study

What You Can Study
Choose from over 600 modules. Learn something out of interest, or use the knowledge as a stepping stone to a qualification. Combine individual modules for the knowledge you need. Form a certificate, diploma or other qualification from these modules. Easy-peasy!
Start with one module. Add another. And another. Just keep building up your knowledge and skills as you go along, and you can convert the credits into qualifications. More importantly, only pay for the modules you are taking at any one time. It’s that simple.
Our Unique Features
- Study anytime, anywhere
- No time limits
- FREE unlimited tutor support by email
- Design your own qualification
- Learn through doing (experiential learning)
Prior Study or Work Experience
If you have already learnt things either through previous study or work experience, you may be able to obtain credit towards your chosen course. This could eliminate the need to repeat material, or reduce the time taken to complete your course. More details.