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Assessments and Examinations at Warnborough Online

Take your course exam when you are ready

When you have completed all required assignments for a subject, you can apply to sit for an examination in that subject. Examinations will not be scheduled until all assignments for that subject have been completed satisfactorily.

If you pass the exam, you are awarded a Certificate of Completion. You will also receive the appropriate number of credits for your module.

NOTE: You do not have to do an examination unless you want an official ‘certified’ pass in the subject.

Sit the Exam in Person or Online

You may choose to do the examination at a Warnborough College centre or office. Alternatively, sit the exam at a location which is convenient to you (with a proctor). If this is not possible, you may also elect to do the examination online (with a webcam observing throughout).

The procedure for the proctored examination is as follows:

  1. You nominate a proctor (i.e. supervisor) to oversee the exam.  This must be a reputable person (such as a police officer, Justice of Peace, Minister of religion, college principal, tertiary tutor/lecturer, employer or manager of a business or organisation established for more than 5 years, or a member of a professional association which has an established code of ethics. Adjudicators cannot be relatives or partners).
  2. Set a date, time, and place for the exam (e.g. at the proctor’s office or a public library)
  3. Submit your exam application 3 weeks prior to the nominated date.
  4. We will send the exam to the proctor. Ensure you have supplied full and correct contact details, including an email address.
  5. At the set time, you attend the nominated place.
  6. The proctor will conduct the exam. On completion, your work is collected and sent/scanned/emailed by the proctor directly to the College. It is your responsibility to pay for any costs or charges incurred by your proctor (including the cost of postage).

General Information

  • Examinations are usually one and a half hours in duration.
  • Students should bring pens and a few dozen sheets of foolscap or A4 paper with them.
  • Alternatively, you can use a computer to type and upload your answers to our online system.
  • No textbooks, mobile phones or notes are allowed in the examination.
  • You are not permitted to surf the internet or use search engines or talk to the adjudicator during the examination.
  • Non-programmable calculators are permitted for subjects like Landscaping, Engineering, Finance, etc.

NB: There are no exam fees for sitting any of the examinations, except where a student needs to sit for public exams (You are responsible for any external exam fees charged by the awarding body, any associated expenses such as travelling to the examination centre).

Alternatives to Sitting Exams

If you find the thought of sitting for an exam daunting, then you may elect to undertake a final project instead. Projects are usually between 2000 to 3000 words and will be related to the material covered in your course. Students are usually given three (3) weeks to complete a project.

Apply Here to Sit an Exam