Diploma In Alternative Education BWR110


With its emphasis on hands-on, experiential learning, this course is ideal as a supplement or complement to education certificates, diplomas or degrees, and also, as a basic training course for educators or trainers who are interested in alternative education methods.

Education comes in many different shapes and forms, and traditional education systems do not suit everyone. Some people simply don’t learn as well in a highly structured or conventional situation. Sometimes, a parent or employer seeks a different kind of learning: perhaps one that is more focused on the capacity to be innovative and creative and less focused on learning facts and skills; or learning that is more based on developing problem-solving skills. Also, there is a worldwide increasing demand for more flexible forms of delivery or multi-model education. We have designed this course for educators and trainers who want to develop the skills and broader perspective that will help them meet these new and changing demands. It will help you develop alternative education strategies and alternative educational options to meet the changing needs of students and employers.


Students are required to complete 6 modules from the selection below. Satisfactorily complete all assignments and pass all examinations in order to graduate with the Diploma.

  1. Classroom Delivery Skills BWR006
  2. Course Writing and Development BGN107
  3. Delivering Distance Education BGN108
  4. Educational Psychology BPS105
  5. Developmental Psychology BPS210
  6. Workshop I BGN103