There are nine lessons in this module as follows:
- Scope and Nature of Technical Writing
- Presentation
- Matching style and content to the audience
- Planning: Developing a Logical Structure or Format
- Collaborative Writing
- Writing Technical Periodicals
- Writing Manuals and Procedures
- Writing Project Proposals
- Writing Project Reports.
- Identify a broad range of situations where technical writing is used and where you might gainfully apply those skills;
- Present technical documentation for a variety of situations;
- Determine how to write appropriately for a defined audience;
- Develop formats for different documents that follow a logical appropriate structure;
- Explain how to effectively collaborate with one or more people in the production of a technical writing assignment;
- Write items of technical writing that are appropriate for publication in different types of periodicals including: popular magazines, industry magazines, scientific journals, newspapers and e-zines;
- Write easy to follow, technically accurate instructions for a variety of processes, using a variety of equipment;
- Write a formal proposal for a project;
- Write in an effective and appropriate style of report, during, or on conclusion of a project.