Management VBS105


Managers are common – good managers are not. Good management can deeply affect the viability of a company, and improve everything from productivity to worker satisfaction and profitability. This course provides a very sound foundation for increasing your capacity to manage in any situation – be it within your own business, somebody else’s, or a government department.

Make sure your management style is grounded in the ‘tried and true’. This course outlines management theories and procedures, problem solving and decision making tactics, staff management, and more. Developed by professionals with a substantial amount of industry experience, it is the perfect foundation for a successful career.


There are 6 lessons as follows:

  1. Introduction & Organizational Structures
  2. Management Theories & Procedures
  3. Problem Solving & Decision Making
  4. Management Styles & External Influences
  5. Employing People & Interview Skills
  6. Staff Management

Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school’s tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.


On successful completion of the course you should be able to do the following:

  • Explain the role of managers in an organization and the kinds of organizations in which they function.
  • Identify the processes and procedures that are associated with the effective management of staff in the workplace.
  • Describe the use of motivation in the workplace and the effects this can have on staff performance.
  • Describe how to recruit and interview a new staff member for a specific job in an organisation.
  • Discuss workgroup project preparation, costing, performance analysis and goal completion from a managerial perspective.
  • Describe the principles of Occupational Health and Safety policies, and their application in your industry sector.


Here are just some of the things you will be doing:

  • Describe a range of different management structures used in different organisations and why they suit that organisation.
  • Compare the use of differing management styles in a variety of businesses.
  • Select common management terms and give definitions for each.
  • Identify the primary role of the different levels of management in an organisation.
  • Discuss the relationships that exist between managers, company employees and board members in both small and large corporations.
  • Discuss the importance of trust and confidence in an organisation and its staff, and why are managers so crucial to this process.
  • Discuss the use of motivation in attaining goals and improving work performance.
  • Describe the most common motivating factors for employees.
  • Compare and contrast different methods of motivation.
  • Describe when and why different motivation techniques should be used in a workplace situation.
  • Explain what is meant by a chain of command and how it is affected by communication style.
  • Explain how to assess the need for a new employee.
  • Write a position profile for a specific job.
  • Analyse employment advertisements in the local paper and list their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Explain what information can be determined from a application and a resume.
  • Write an interview guide and conduct a mock job interview.
  • Discuss the anti-discrimination/equal opportunity laws in your state.
  • List what information should be sought in a telephone reference check.
  • Describe what is involved in the induction of a new employee.
  • Explain the concept of workgroups in the workplace, and the advantages and disadvantages of their use to achieving company goals.
  • Prepare a mock workgroup project incorporating examples of efficient use of an enterprises financial, plant/equipment and personnel resources.
  • Discuss communication issues that might affect the effectiveness of a workgroup project.
  • Discuss ways in which membership diversity can benefit workgroup performance.
  • Discuss the criteria and considerations to be made when forming a workgroup.
  • Develop guidelines for assessing workgroup performance.
  • Prepare a timeline that might apply to a workplace project to be carried out within a specified business.
  • Summarise the major points of the learner’s state workplace health and safety legislation.
  • Define health and safety responsibilities of the employer in your region.
  • List steps to take to ensure a business meets health and safety requirements in your region.
  • Discuss procedures to be taken when handling dangerous goods in the learner’s state.
  • Explain the proper procedure for manual lifting of goods.
  • Discuss possible safety dangers in a business office.